Basics To Creating A Successful Life!
Good Morning Fam!!!😃 Every now and then I like to throw in a good encouraging message that everyone can benefit from. So today I'm sharing the TOP things to apply to your life, that will help you lead a more successful life! No, I'm not a "life coach", these are just some of the basic things that we do, (Stephen & myself), that help us to create, maintain, & live a good lifestyle! And no, I'm not talking about money!🤑
2. Surround yourself with SUCCESSFUL people! People that you want to be like, people that you want to emulate. Remember YOU are a product of YOUR environment; only you can control that The people that you surround yourself with, will have the biggest input and say in your life. I've said this 100s of times before!! If you don't know these people personally, like they're an author or famous in their field, whatever the case may be; buy their books, listen to their podcasts. Absorb what they say and start to apply it to your own life! It may not happen right away, but stick with it. Consistency is key!
3. GIVE GIVE GIVE!! God says to GIVE with a giving heart! And you have to WANT to give because it's what God recommends, NOT because you feel guilty for not giving. God knows your heart! I will always and forever live by PAYING MY TITHES!!! I heard it said like this before, "I would rather live with a blessed 90%, than live with a cursed 100%". I promise, you cannot out give God!
These are all things that take time, but they're things that everyone can do and live by! I hope today's post was helpful to someone!! What are some things that you apply to your life, that help you succeed?!!
- Krystal 😘
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