Because He Chose You!!

A few days ago I was reading though one of my journals that I found while cleaning out my bookshelf.  I came across a scripture that I had written down. There wasn't a date on it, but it was in-between Feb 23rd and March 14th of 2014.

"He loves you for you! He loves all of you, not just part of you. He loves you even with your flaws. He wants a relationship with you. He want's to commune with you. He created you. He knew you before you were a thought in your mother's mind. He delights in you, He loves you so much that He sent His son to die for you, just so that He could know you. Even before He created this world, He chose you in Christ, to be Holy and without fault in His sight. He chose to adopt you into His family. He chose you in advance, and He makes everything work out according to His plan. When you believe in Him, put your trust in Him, live your life for Him, He identifies you as His own!" Ephesians 1:4

WOW! Now doesn't that just fill your heart and put a smile on your face? Just to know that the God of the universe chose to adopt YOU to be in His family. that is an amazing feeling!  I still remember when my Dad asked if he could adopt me. I remember I was sitting in my parents bedroom floor putting pennies in those paper sleeves. He came and sat beside me and asked how I would like to have the same last name as him and my mom. I remember smiling so big and just felt so loved and wanted.  Even with my quirkiness and my flaws and imperfections. He chose to love me anyway, and wanted me to be his daughter. And that's how our Heavenly Father is. He knows everything about you and your sinful ways, but He chose you anyway.

I know that this is for someone today. Maybe your depressed because of life, or you have a broken heart or spirit. Maybe you feel hopeless and unable to be used by God because of your past. Well I'm here to break the spirit of depression and oppression off of you. I say that you ARE loved. You ARE accepted. You ARE wanted by the Almighty! You were wonderfully and fearfully made. Our Heavenly Father delights in you and He says that you are the Apple of His eye and He calls you His Son or Daughter. He has called you to be seated at the Fathers table. I speak peace and joy that only He  can give, over everyone who reads this. In Jesus name, Amen.

-Krystal 😘


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