God Equips The Called!

Hey guys I'm so excited about what God is doing in mine and Stephens life. We are in a season of shifting and aligning. He is equipping us and positioning us for whats to come next. I feel like He's setting us up to launch us into something greater than we could even imagine.

I know y'all have heard me talk about Burn Texarkana a few times. Burn's are revival services where people, with a hunger for more of God, from all around the region, from different churches, and different denominations, will come together with 1 goal in mind, to pray and worship in a radical way.  To be in God's presence, to reach the very throne room of the Almighty!  Well, about every 3 months or so they have a Regional Outpouring where a guest speaker will come in for 2 nights and pour out what God has filled them up with.  For those of us in the ministry it really is a time of refreshing.

Last weekend was a Regional Outpouring with Apostle Ken Malone.  Thursday night was about realignment, which came out of his article October Surprise. Friday night he was talking about the traits of Jezebel; you can find that here.  The whole weekend was focused on alignment. Saturday morning, Apostle Ken was talking about Apostolic Alignment. 

"Alignment with the right people will help you grow." 
       -Joe Joe Dawson

Saturday, October 15, 2016 we were commissioned by God, to come into alignment with Joe & Autumn Dawson and Apostle Ken Malone. Pastor Joe filled us in about ROAR. They laid hands on us, prayed and prophesied over us.  When they were praying with me and Stephen, Autumn was saying how she had a dream a few nights prior that didn't really make sense. But once she put her had on my shoulder, she saw that dream again;

"There is a horse in a field. There wasn't anything around the horse, just the horse. This horse was running full force, but it wasn't going anywhere. Then I saw the restraints being broken off of the horse."

Like I had mentioned earlier, we are in a season of shifting. God is equipping us with the right people to align with.  He is breaking off the restraints of man, so that we can have revival break out in our region.

"You can go to lunch with anyone, but you can't go to war with anyone!" 
-Apostle Ken Malone

Exciting news! We've launched a FREE eBook by Savanna! To get your copy of The Prejudice Alternative, go to www.prejudicealternative.com 
We are so excited for this free eBook and want you all to share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blogs, etc! Below is a graphic you can use to do so.


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