Green Tea Challenge - Personal Results.

I have had green tea before, but have never consistently drank it like I did during this challenge.  Green tea has a lot of health benefits, you can read an earlier post about that here

Any form of green tea will work just make sure it is pure natural tea without any added ingredients. There is no need to go out and spend a $100 on tea from some fancy organic store. I used Lipton and I bought it from Winn-Dixie and it worked just fine! You can drink it warm or cold depending on your preference. (If drinking warm, the options are to either boil water on the stove or heat up in the microwave…takes less than 5 minutes.)

I had one cup of hot green tea every morning, even before coffee, for 20 days. I went with a 20 day challenge because there were 20 bags in the box!!   The only thing that I changed about my eating / drinking habits over the past 20 days was adding the single cup of green tea in the mornings.  I continued to eat and drink as I normally would on a day to day basis.  Below are my personal results.  Now, please keep in mind, I am already "somewhat" fit, as I am a Zumba instructor.  I also already have a "somewhat" healthy eating routine / lifestyle. (including but not limited to; *cough* Twizzlers *cough* Hot Tamales *cough* candy in general!!)  

Start Date: August 15th. 
-Weight 130.6 lbs.
-Waist 28.5 in.
-Hips 36.5 in.

End Date: September 4th
-Weight 129.8 lbs.
-Waist 28 in.
-Hips 36 in.

As you can see, there was a small change, not much, but there was change nonetheless! And this was by only adding one cup of green tea a day.  I guess a real challenge, for me, would be no candy for an extended amount of time!! 

There are several ways to do a green tea challenge, so I'm sure you can find one that fits your lifestyle. Here are a few examples.

-Drink one cup of green tea before eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, which ever works best for you. (I chose before breakfast.)
-Drink it hot or cold, which ever you prefer. (I prefer Hot) Some make it in a tea pitcher as if you were making regular tea.
-You can add lemon or honey (instead of sugar) to change the flavor if you don't like the taste. (I personally like it without anything)
-You can do this everyday for an extended amount of time. Anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. (Studies show that 21 days of anything, will become a habit.)
Make sure to weigh, measure, and take a before and after picture.  A lot of times you won't see the change while you're in the process, but afterwards you will see it and you'll be glad that you did document!  
Please comment below if you have done a green tea challenge yourself.  Let me know how it went for you. Did you like it? Did you loose weight? Did it give you energy or relax you? What else can you add in it besides lemon and honey?  Thanks for reading and I hope y'all have a great weekend!!
- Krystal


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