The Nick Box - Winter 2018

Happy Friday guys!! I FINALLY got my Nick Box!! (Air punch) lol **Storytime"" I had actually forgot to change my address on my order, so it went to the rent house in Fort Walton... 🤦🏼‍♀️ So the rental company called me because someone had went to look at the house, and found it on the front porch... Yikes!! So when I went to go pick it up, I walked in the rental company, no one was in there.  So I knocked on the door and hollered hello.  No one said anything.  I looked to my left and my box was just sitting in a chair, so I grabbed it and left.  My heart started racing, I felt like I had stolen something...** 

The Nick Box is definitely my favorite subscription service thus far!!  I just love how everything that comes in these boxes, has a memory of my childhood, attached to it!  Hey, I've told you before, I'm all nerd, I love the 90's, and I won't apologize for it!!  For those that don't know, The Nick Box is a quarterly subscription, where you get exclusive Nickelodeon merch.  Each box is $50, and is supposed to have over $100 of 90's memorabilia inside.  This Winter box is my 4th box, so that means I've been getting them for a year now, and I have thought about cancelling, but I really don't know yet.  

Each box has a theme, and this particular box is "snowed in", so basically everything in the box will relate to the overall theme.  And as always, I'll let the product speak for itself!

Kenan and Kel Orange Soda pin.

Ren coffee mug!!
(Super stoked about this)

Legends of the Hidden Temple
(Coin bank)

Abner the pig plushie.
(Hey Arnold's pet.)

Hey Arnold

Double Dare

Tommy Pickles
(Cool Dude Vinyl Toy)

A plethora of Nick Toons on gift wrap paper

Washi Tape

With Catdog on it!!!

Rocko's Modern Life t-shirt!!

That's my favorite!
(Wearing size small)

And that's everything that came in my Winter Nick Box!  Now that we're moved into our new house, I need to get some shelves up so that I can finally display all the cool little things that come in each box!  I hope you all enjoyed seeing what came in this quarters Nick Box, and if you want your own be sure to sign up here. (I get points and you save $10 when you do!!).  I also wanna add that this box has sold out already.  So if you want in on the next Spring box, don't wait because they sell out super fast.  Hope to see you guys back here next week!! 

- Krystal 😘

Oh yeah, I also kinda stated a YouTube channel, mainly for reviewing products.  But I'm a total baby when it comes to speaking in front of others... Baby steps y'all.... Baby steps... So please have a gander and I would love it if you'd subscribe while you're there! 

YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️

The Nick Box - Saves you $10 

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Influenster - Free Products

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