5 Ways To Change Your Community // Encouragement

I'm sure all of us have had the extra time to just stop and think about how all of this has changed us in one way or another, whether it be our person or our lifestyle.  For most I'm willing to bet its made us more grateful, appreciative, humble,... the list goes on. 

Slightly piggy-backing off of last weeks post, (transitioning from #quarantinelife to #livingmybestlife), I wanted to encourage you with a few things to keep in mind while everything is beginning to reopen here in the states. 

Put God First 

Personally, I feel like this virus outbreak has pushed a lot of people to dive into the Word more. Its caused people to pray more, or even start praying. These have been uncertain times, so people are turning to faith! The absolute BEST thing in the world that you can do for yourself, and for those around you, is to put God first. In any and all decisions; no matter how big or small, put God first! 

Love One Another

After being on "lock down" for 2 months, I think we can all agree that it has, 1. Helped us grow closer with our immediate family. And 2. Helped us learn to appreciate everyone else more. If you walk in love, you'll spread love everywhere you go!

Live Simply 

I think its safe to say that, with everything being shut down, it literally forces you to live a more simple lifestyle. We have all been staying home and doing more "home stuff" lol You know, like cooking more meals instead going out to eat. Some have started to plant a garden to grow their own food. I've come to realize that I quite like the simpler way of living. Im not stressed out about crazy stuff, we haven't HAD to be somewhere. There were NO plans to go do this or that. So I'm looking forward to continuing this way of life, well and being able to going to church!!😅 

Forgive Quickly

This is one of the subjects I talk on quite often, and thats forgiveness. First off, if you don't forgive others, God won't forgive you, and that means you won't make it to Heaven....😳... thats Bible yall!! (Matt. 6:15) Forgiveness will benefit you more in the long run. Holding on to past grudges will eat you from the inside out. 

Be Kind Always

Stemming from Love One Another, be kind! Just be nice!  So once we are able to go sit down in a restaurant and have a meal, remember to show kindness to your server. Or when we can walk into a department store, be kind to the other shoppers and the sales associates.

We should all strive to be better humans! 

- Krystal 💋


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