How To: Start A Raised Bed Vegetable Garden

Have you ever been INFLUENCED?!! Well, I totally was! A few months ago, over on Facebook, Liz Collins shared her raised garden beds, and I thought, "what the heck is a raised garden bed?...", so I started researching them, and holy moly did I get a ton of info. Probably a little too much at once I think, because it was a kinda scary. Then a couple days later she posted more pics and they were THRIVING!!! So right then and there I pulled the trigger, and bought my first raised garden bed! Y'all, I had never planted anything in my life; but here I was, investing in a new project!

When it came in I was so excited to get started, I even put together an IGTV (you can check that out here)

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Step 1: Assemble the bed. You can definitely build these yourself if you have the proper tools, materials, and know how. We didn't have any of that, so I bought ours from Amazon. There are several different colors and sizes, I just went with the white because I knew it was going next to sit next to a white fence. 

Step 2: After assembling the bed, we put down cardboard. (This is what I learned from doing research, otherwise I would have had no clue to do this!!😉) Apparently, cardboard is good for killing weeds and then decomposes over time. So we used the boxes that our flooring came in. We did have to cut the length a smidge, to get a snug fit.

Step 3: Add the soil. Our bed is 4x4 and 12in. in height. So we needed 8 cubic feet of soil to fill our bed.  I found this soil calculator on Pinterest, it's how I knew the amount of soil to buy. So I went to Lowes, and the lady there was real nice and very helpful. She recommended that I use Sta-Green instead of Miracle-Gro. Its a few bucks cheaper, and she said that's what she uses in her beds. So don't be afraid to ask questions!

Step 4: Zones. Me being brand spanking new to planting a garden, I had to do a TON of research. I knew the vegetables that I wanted to grow, but when I would look them up, it was already passed their "season" to plant. So I stumbled across this zoning map of the US, which was a lifesaver! I found my zone number then found what was good to plant in July, in my area!

Step 5: Plant, annndddd wait!😅 We planted zucchini, peppers, cucumbers and lavender. And yes I know lavender is not a vegetable!😅 While doing all my research, I learned that lavender attracts bees which helps with pollination. AND it's compatible to grow alongside vegetables!

Bonus Step: 😆 Keep track of what you plant and  where you plant it. I thought I could remember, turns out I couldn't!! 😂 Until they started producing that is!! 

This has definitely been a learning experience for me, and I've found that I really love doing this. So much, that I bought a 2nd bed, and set it up yesterday!! They were sold out of the first bed that I bought, so I had to find one as close to it as I could, again from Amazon

I hope this has been helpful for anyone thinking about starting your own raised garden bed. I feel like this is a great starting point for a newbie, like myself!

- Krystal 😘


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