How To: Do A Daniel Fast

Every year, no matter where we're living, our church normally does a month long fast going into the new year. I normally join them by doing the Daniel Fast. I believe that fasting is a way for you to build your Spirit Man which will ultimately help you grow closer to the things of God, and awaken a spiritual hunger.

For starters, what is biblical fasting? Biblical fasting is when you replace food with the Bread of Life. We, carnal beings, are so food obsessed, most times all we think about is what we're gonna eat next! πŸ—£ TELL ME I'M WRONG!! πŸ˜… I know I am as guilty as they come!!

Why does the Bible say to fast? Fasting is a way for you to connect with your Heavenly Father on a deeper level. And where God does not command you to fast, he did recommend it. Jesus knew how powerful and beneficial it was for the Church to fast. Below are a few scriptures for you to look up.

- Luke 4:2
- Nehemiah 1:4
- Psalms 35:13
- 1 Samuel 12:17-23
- Ester 4:3
- Acts 13:2, 14:23
- Matthew 6:16

When is the best time to fast? Anytime really! However, if you find yourself in a situation and you need results, you should probably fast. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad situation. For example, maybe you're in a situation where you're offered 2 great jobs, and when you've compared apples to apples either would be a good pick. You should probably fast while you pray. Because ultimately 1 of those jobs us a good job, but the other one is a God job! Make sense?!!

How do you fast? There are several ways that you can fast. Some are more extreme, and others are more relaxed. Personally, I prefer to do a PARTIAL fast,, the Daniel Fast. No bread, no meats, no sweets. And where that may seem extreme, some people do a COMPLETE fast, thats just water and/or juice. Then there's an ABSOLUTE fast, where you get no food or water,, which is what Paul, Moses, & Elijah did in the Bible!! 😳... I KNOW RIGHT?!! That would be a tough one for sure! (On the extreme fasts, you should really do your research on how to prepare your body.)

Let's talk about some of the things that the Bible says about fasting. For starters, please make sure your intentions are pure, and there's no underlying motivation. Yes you will probably lose a few pounds, but a biblical fast is not a weight loss program! You should not boast about fasting. It's not a "look at me, look at me, I'm so Holy and spiritual" competition. The Word says that you should not look poorly while fasting, but wash your face and make yourself presentable. - Matthew 6:16-18

From my personal experience with fasting, I've learned to not be legalistic with it. That only caused me to fail. I fully believe that God knows your heart and intentions. With all of that said, I want to invite y'all to corporately fast with me! Lets start 2021 by investing in ourselves and in our spirit man! 2020 was a tough year, but my family never went without a thing, and I truly believe that's because we gave that first month to God! 

Here's to another year!! πŸ₯‚

- Krystal 😘


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