Jesus is Better.

Throughout the gospel, Jesus set a standard for all Christ followers to live by.  I'm sure you all remember the saying "wwjd". Especially if you were raised in the 90's, it was a trendy phrase back then.  However, if you're not quite as old as me, it means, "what would Jesus do?" Even though wwjd faded out, the meaning  behind it still stands.

I'm not gonna keep you long, I just want to encourage you to be mindful of others this week. We live in a time where too many people, including the Christ followers, are getting offended over some of the silliest things. For those who are Christ followers, I want to remind you of a few things.

- Treat others as Jesus would treat them.

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.

Matthew 7:12 NLT

- Bear the infirmities of others.

We who are strong must be considerate of those who are sensitive about things like this. We must not just please ourselves.

Romans 15:1 NLT

- Wear the whole Armor of God, to represent God.

The Breastplate of Righteousness. 

Helmet of Salvation.
The Belt of Truth.
Sward of the Spirit (Bible)
Shield of Faith.
Ephesians 6:10-18

And always remember that Jesus is better!

- Krystal


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